Energy Medicine

Vibrational Medicine and Traction

Lesson 7

Each thing we can see (or not) in the universe is made of electrons, up-quarks and down-quarks. One other basic particle, the neutrino, is a ghostly crumb of decayed light which courses through the universe in uncountable quantities. It rarely interacts with other matter. billions of these neutrinos go through our body at any given moment.

When we visualize in our Qigongs, these neutrinos are our raw material. The Universal Qi that we tap into is from this vast untapped source of natural energy. We are able to convert the neutrinos into usable Qi with our visualizations. When we think, we create a field of energy, a thought field, generated by the ATP used when our brain functions. When neutrino enters the field it is affected by the thought patterns and becomes an energetic version of what we visualize.

Back to those electrons, up-quarks and down-quarks. String theory surmises that these tiny sub-atomic particles are brought into being by vibrating tiny strings, smaller than any microscope could see. Only the results of their vibration can be detected. They're not a particle, they behave more like a wave of energy, vibrational energy. So if all stuff in the Universe is made up of this vibrational energy at it's most minute "form," and we are part of that stuff, then our form is actually vibrational energy!

In the previous lesson, I spoke about treating the formless part of us to affect the form. Here we see even our physical form is actually formless. We are, is essence, vibrational energy, or QI. Everything is Qi.

Sound Vibration as Medicine

I use the tuning fork for two entirely different purposes. The first one I’ll discuss is the effect of vibration on connective tissue, or fascia. This connective tissue surrounds every muscle fiber in the body. It also encases the tendon and is the tissue which actually attaches to the bone. Fascia also surrounds the organs of the body, but here I am only concerned with myofascial tissue, or the fascia around and connected to the muscles and tendons.

Connective tissue has no blood flow, but it does have nerves. These nerves are called fibroblasts. They control the density of the tissue. When these nerves sense a trauma, or even a continued pattern of activity, they respond by thickening the tissue, usually at the attachment of the muscle or tendon to the joint or bone. This may protect the attachment at the time of the trauma, but cause issues later with range of motion or pain. Overstretching will actually make the thickening worse.

In my clinic, when someone complains about a pain that is persistent and also limits range of motion, I will check for fascia thickening at the attachment. It will feel dense like a small lump and the muscle will be tight as if it is in spasm. The fibroblasts will sense the low resonance vibration and allow the tissue to “un-bundle.” Then I just place my fingers firmly at the attachment and while keeping a steady tension slowly rubbing, lengthening the fascia and freeing the muscle.

How to Use the Tuning Fork

The resonance of the tuning fork only stays strong enough to affect the fascia for about 5 seconds. Therefore, the fork must be struck with the mallet repeatedly. I strike it 9 times, to allow 45 seconds of strong resonance. The tuning fork is weighted at the ends of the fork. Hold the fork tightly in your non-dominate hand near the bottom of the fork, about an inch away from the fascia attachment you are working on. After striking the weighted tip, move it as close to the area as possible without touching the skin, as that will stop the vibration. After five seconds, repeat the process nine times.

Resonant vibration of 68 Hz is so low it is difficult to hear. Strike the weighted tip and hold it next to your ear, and then you can hear the strength and richness of this vibration. The feel on the skin is subtle but noticeable. Vibration’s effect on the fascia is actually quite amazing! I have tried recording the sound and looping it so I wouldn’t have to keep striking the fork continuously. However, it pales in comparison to the actual fork resonating.

Measuring and Opening Chakras With Vibration

To measure a chakra and assess if it is in balance or not, use any conductive metal chain. Aluminum will not work. Copper, Silver, Steel and Gold will work. Simply hold one end of the chain 2 inches above the chakra, with the subject laying down on their back, face up. If you hold the chain steady, the bottom of the chain should start rotating, following the spin of the chakra. If the chain goes back and forth, like a pendulum, or if it doesn’t move at all, then the chakra is likely blocked.

Use the same technique as above in the section “How to use the Tuning Fork.” After 45 seconds of resonance, measure again with the chain. It should now spin. It does take some time to get the feel for this, so don’t get discouraged, just notice what you feel, and don’t try to force anything. Be relaxed as you hold the chain. The person you are working on will sense your tension, and the results won’t be as effective.

Ideally you'd like to see a round spin. You'll be able to feel the "pull" of the spin on the chakra. If the Chakra is sluggish, it my move in a circle, but it will be small, maybe 1" in diameter. You the chakra won't feel any pull at all. Use the tuning fork and measure again.

If the chakra is not round, then that is a kind of imbalance. Use the tuning fork and measure again.

Here's a video for testing charkas.

Crystal Bowls for Vibrational Balancing

Crystal Bowls provide a resonant tone that can relax muscles, slow down a rapid pulse. unbundle fascia and open and balance chakras. A Bowl should be picked that resonates with the user. It can be used with a specialized wand or a small rubber mallet.


This is an ancient healing method using only your voice and cupped hands. If you don't have a tuning fork or crystal bowl, this is an effective way to calm a spasm or reduce tension. Of course it is only appropriate on certain body parts. We will demo this in live class. I'll add a video when I make one.

Self Toning

A simple Qigong with resonant sounds added to heal and ground oneself. This brings understanding that we are abundant when connected to the earth. In that connected abundance we feel it in our body and emotions. When we feel that in our body and emotions we can then share that abundance with all who are in need.


Manual Traction is a minimally invasive treatment option for neck, back, shoulder and hip pain. It is effective with providing pain relief and increased mobility. The main principle behind lumbar and cervical traction is to decompress the spine. The same principal applies in the hip and shoulder. 

When a disc herniates or ruptures, the inner part of the disc protrudes causing pressure on the vertebrae and nerves. By applying gentle traction, space is created allowing the displaced material to reposition itself so the nerve is no longer irritated. This also allows for more flexibility and movement as well as pain relief.

Lower back pain is the most commonly reported form of pain. It is a major cause of medical expenses, work absenteeism, and disability. With traction, you can find some much-needed relief and get back to comfortably living your daily life.

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