Energy Medicine

Qiworks Healers Masterclass

10 Lessons Intermediate

This course imparts healing modalities for yourself, clients and loved ones. It includes energy anatomy, 5 element theory, Chakras and how they articulate and affect the body, connective tissue reintegration, muscle release and structure alignment.

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Course Structure

Intro to Daoist Medicine and the Five Phases

Five element theory, the organ systems, and the constructive and destructive emotions in each phase. Intro to Qigong.

Energy Anatomy

Learning the Chakras and how they affect the body. Studying the Energy Meridians, 5 Elements, Dan Tiens, direction of energetic flow, and body parts affected.

Assessment of the Client

Listening to their story. Checking countenance, posture, gait, tongue, and pulses. Feeling the affected area. Assessing if it’s muscle, fascia, energy, organ or structural. Deciding how to proceed. Is this something to which I can add value, or refer out?

Interstructural Tissue Release and Integration

We will study Fascia, the flow of fluid in the Interstitial membrane, and the action of Myofibroblasts contracting, bundling and weaving the fascia like microscopic spiders.

Red Light Therapy Mitochondria Neuroplasticity

This lesson is to provide the information to understand and then use Red Light therapy as a tool for both self-healing and helping others. We'll also study the mitochondria and neuroplasticity in relationship to healing.

Daoist(Chinese) Medicine, a deeper study.

Meridian flow, relationship of the 5 phases to each other in terms of diagnosing the source of chronic pain. Deeper exploration of Qigong.

Vibrational Medicine and Traction

Using these various modalities as tools, while knowing when and how to use them.

Combining Modalities In Practical Application

Using fascia release, energy anatomy, and 5 phase understanding to affect change for pain relief in the body for both self-care and in the clinic.

Tapping into Nature and Universal Qi for Healing Ourselves and Others.

Exploring a method to tap into Nature and Universal Qi to facilitate healing.

Directing Energy Through Qigong

Understanding how the mind affects the body and its healing. Using universal energy and nature. Doing bodywork using the practitioner's own energy is depleting. We learn to use nature’s energy.
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