Personal Growth

Energy Follows Thought in Mental Mastery

By Albert E PerryJun 08, 2023


The theory that energy follows thought in Mindset Mastery is rooted in various belief systems and philosophies, such as metaphysics, quantum physics, and the law of attraction. It offers a perspective on the potential interplay between thoughts and energy. What follows is an elaboration on that theory.

Philosophies Supporting – Energy Follows Thought In Mental Mastery

  1. Metaphysics and Consciousness: Metaphysics infers that consciousness and thoughts are fundamental aspects of reality. According to this perspective, thoughts are considered forms of energy or vibrations that interact with the broader energetic field of the universe. Our thoughts then have the potential to influence and shape everything around us.
  2. Quantum Physics and Observer Effect: In quantum physics, the observer effect suggests observation can affect subatomic particles’ behavior. Conscious intention can then impact the physical world. While the observer effect primarily applies to the quantum realm, it has sparked speculation about the potential influence of consciousness on the macroscopic level.
  3. Law of Attraction: The law of attraction theory suggests that like attracts like. It posits that the thoughts and emotions we focus on can attract corresponding experiences and outcomes into our lives. According to this theory, consistently practicing positive and constructive thinking can align ourselves with positive energies and manifest desirable circumstances.

Our Thoughts Influence Our Reality

The idea behind the theory that energy follows thought in mental mastery is that our thoughts and intentions can have a subtle yet significant influence on the energetic fabric of reality. By directing our thoughts towards positive, uplifting, and constructive ideas, we attract and align ourselves with similar vibrations or energies in our experiences and interactions.

Many individuals value adopting a positive mindset, focusing on constructive thoughts, and setting intentions aligned with their goals and desires. These practices can contribute to a more optimistic and proactive approach to life, influencing one’s actions and experiences.

Ultimately, the theory that energy follows thought is a pathway for understanding and exploring the potential connection between our thoughts, intentions, and the experiences we manifest. It serves as a framework for personal growth, self-reflection, and exploring the power of the mind.

Changing Negative Thought Patterns

Reprogramming unhelpful conditioned thinking through affirmations and repetitive body movements can effectively change negative thought patterns and promote positive thinking. Here’s how this process can work:


Begin by becoming aware of the unhelpful conditioned thinking patterns you want to change. Recognize the negative thoughts or beliefs in certain situations or areas of your life. Acknowledge their presence without judgment.


Choose affirmations that counteract the negative thoughts and opinions you identified. Affirmations are positive statements that reflect the mindset or perspective you want to adopt. They should be in the present tense, personal, and emotionally resonant. For example, if you struggle with self-doubt, your affirmation could be, “I am confident and capable in all I do.”

Body Movements

Select a simple and repetitive body movement that you can perform while reciting the affirmations. This movement should be easy and manageable, allowing you to focus simultaneously on the action and the affirmations. Examples include walking in circles, gentle swaying, or rhythmic hand movements.


Begin the process by engaging in the chosen body movement and reciting the affirmations aloud or silently in your mind. Coordinate the movement with the rhythm of your breathing, allowing each movement to flow naturally. As you repeat the affirmations, try to embody the qualities and mindset they represent. Feel the positive energy and emotions associated with the affirmations as you continue the movement.

Repetition And Consistency

Repeat this practice regularly, ideally daily, or whenever you notice the negative thought patterns resurfacing. Repetition is crucial for rewiring your brain and replacing old thought patterns with new, positive ones. Over time, the combination of affirmations and body movements can help reprogram your subconscious mind and create new neural pathways that support positive thinking.


Reinforce the positive effects of this practice by reflecting on any changes or shifts in your thinking and behavior. Notice when you think more positively or respond differently to certain situations. Celebrate these small victories and use them as motivation to continue the practice.

Remember that this process requires patience and consistency. It may take time for the new thought patterns to become deeply ingrained. Be gentle with yourself throughout the journey and trust in the power of affirmations and movement to reprogram your thinking in a positive direction.

Supporting Research For Reprogramming  Conditioned Thoughts

Reprogramming unhelpful conditioned thinking through body movements and affirmations is based on principles from various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and mindfulness. There is evidence to support the effectiveness of each component individually, making the combination in this practice even more powerful. Let’s explore the supporting information for each element.


Research on affirmations suggests that they can positively impact mindset and self-perception. Studies have shown that affirmations can enhance self-esteem, boost motivation, and improve performance in various domains, such as academics, sports, and work. By repeating positive statements, affirmations can help reframe negative thoughts and cultivate more constructive thinking patterns.

Schmeichel, B. J., & Vohs, K. D. (2009). Self-affirmation and self-control: Affirming core values counteracts ego depletion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(4), 770-782.

  1. The research conducted by Schmeichel and Vohs demonstrated that engaging in self-affirmation tasks reduced ego depletion—a state of reduced self-control caused by prior self-regulatory efforts. Self-affirmation helps individuals maintain self-control and resist temptation in subsequent tasks. This study suggests that affirmations can enhance self-control and willpower.

Cohen, G. L., & Sherman, D. K. (2014). The psychology of change: Self-affirmation and social psychological intervention. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 333-371.

  1. This review article provides an overview of research on self-affirmation, highlighting its potential benefits in various domains, including health behavior change, academic performance, reducing stereotype threat, and enhancing well-being. It discusses how self-affirmation can promote positive behavior change and mitigate the adverse effects of threats to self-identity.

Movement and Embodied Cognition

The field of embodied cognition suggests that bodily actions and movements are interconnected with cognitive processes and can influence our thoughts and emotions. Engaging in repetitive movements during cognitive tasks or focusing on specific thoughts or affirmations can enhance cognitive performance and memory recall. Studies have shown that physical movement can improve cognitive Flexibility, creative thinking, and emotional regulation.

  1. Cognitive Flexibility refers to adapting and switching between different tasks or mental sets. Research suggests aerobic exercise, such as running or cycling, can enhance cognitive Flexibility. A study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 2013 found that acute aerobic exercise improved cognitive Flexibility in young adults.
  2. Creative Thinking: Physical movement has been linked to enhanced creative thinking. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition in 2014 showed that walking increased creative ideation in real time and shortly after the walk. The research suggests physical movement can stimulate divergent thinking and enhance creative problem-solving abilities.
  3. Emotional Regulation: Engaging in physical activity has been found to have positive effects on emotional regulation and well-being. Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that are associated with feelings of pleasure and improved mood. Regular physical activity has been linked to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety and improved emotional regulation and overall mental well-being.

Neuroplasticity and Conditioning

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections throughout life. Whether positive or negative, conditioning can shape neural pathways and influence thought patterns. Repetition and consistent practice can strengthen desired neural pathways, weakening the impact of unhelpful conditioned thinking. While most studies on neuroplasticity focus on the effects of specific interventions (such as meditation or cognitive training), the underlying principles of neural plasticity support the potential for reshaping thought patterns through repetitive practices.

  1. Draganski, B., Gaser, C., Busch, V., Schuierer, G., Bogdahn, U., & May, A. (2004). Changes in grey matter induced by training. Nature, 427(6972), 311-312. In this study, researchers investigated the structural changes in the brain resulting from training a complex motor skill. They found that after just a few weeks of juggling practice, participants showed increased grey matter volume in specific brain regions associated with motor learning and coordination. The study demonstrates that repetitive practice can lead to structural changes in the brain, suggesting that similar principles may apply to reshaping thought patterns through repetition.
  2. Davidson, R. J., Kabat-Zinn, J., Schumacher, J., Rosenkranz, M., Muller, D., Santorelli, S. F., … & Sheridan, J. F. (2003). Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(4), 564-570. This study examined the effects of mindfulness meditation training on brain activity and immune function. Participants who underwent an eight-week mindfulness training program showed increased activation in brain regions associated with attention and emotional regulation, as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The findings suggest consistently practicing mindfulness can induce neuroplastic changes that promote more adaptive thought patterns and emotional regulation.

What The Research Shows

These studies prove that repetitive practices, such as training a motor skill or engaging in mindfulness meditation, can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain. While these studies focus on specific domains, the underlying principles of Neuroplasticity suggest similar changes can occur with other repetitive practices, including those aimed at reshaping thought patterns.

While specific studies may not investigate the combination of simple body movements and affirmations, the supporting evidence for each component suggests their potential effectiveness in reprogramming unhelpful conditioned thinking. Integrating these practices can combine the benefits of cognitive reframing (affirmations) with embodied cognition (movement). This enhances shifting negative thought patterns towards more positive and constructive thinking. We see now that energy follows thought in mental mastery.

Body Movement and Dendrites

Body movement significantly impacts dendrites and overall brain health. Dendrites are the branch-like structures on neurons that receive and transmit signals from other neurons. They play a crucial role in forming connections and networks within the brain, essential for learning, memory, and overall brain function.

Engaging in physical movements, such as exercise or simple activities like walking or dancing, has been shown to have several positive effects on dendrites:

Increased Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to experiences. Physical movement has been found to enhance neuroplasticity, promoting the growth and branching of dendrites. This allows for better communication between neurons and the formation of new neural connections, which can improve cognitive function and learning abilities.

Enhanced Brain Connectivity

Regular physical movement has been linked to increased connectivity between different brain regions. As dendrites grow and form new connections, they facilitate the transmission of information across various brain areas. This improved connectivity can enhance cognitive processes, including attention, problem-solving, and memory.

Increased Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

Physical exercise has been shown to increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports the growth and survival of neurons. BDNF promotes the growth and branching of dendrites, leading to improved neural communication and overall brain health.

Reduced Neural Degeneration

Regular physical activity has been associated with a lower risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Physical movement promotes the formation and maintenance of healthy dendritic connections, which can help protect against the degeneration and loss of neurons.

Movement can positively influence dendrites by promoting neuroplasticity, enhancing brain connectivity, increasing BDNF levels, and protecting against neural degeneration. By engaging in regular physical activity, you can support the health and function of your dendrites, contributing to improved cognitive abilities and overall brain well-being.

A Three-Step Process – Energy Follows Thought in Mental Mastery

Here’s a three-step practice that combines movement and affirmations to help program your dendrites for a more positive thought process:

Step 1: Warm-up and Prepare.

Begin your practice by finding a quiet, comfortable space to focus. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and release tension or stress. I like to count to six slowly as I inhale, pause for two counts, then exhale for six counts. Now, engage in light physical movement to warm your body and get your energy flowing. This could include stretching, gentle yoga poses, or a short walk.

Step 2: Movement with Affirmations

Choose a simple and repetitive movement that you enjoy and feels natural. It could be walking in place, swaying side to side, or gentle dancing. As you engage in this movement, repeat positive affirmations silently or aloud. These affirmations should focus on shifting your mindset towards positivity and self-belief. Here are a few examples:

  • “I am worthy of love, happiness, and success.”
  • “I embrace positivity and release negative thoughts to float away.”
  • “I have the power and ability to create a positive and fulfilling life.”
  • “Every day, I become more confident and optimistic.”
  • “I am grateful for the abundance in my life.”

Repeat each affirmation several times, allowing the words to sink in and resonate with you. Feel the positive energy flow as it moves through your body while you continue the movement.

Step 3: Integration and Gratitude

After repeating the affirmations for a few minutes, gradually slow down your movement and come to a gentle stop. Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on the affirmations you just repeated. Visualize yourself embodying these positive qualities and experiencing the desired outcomes in your life.

Then, shift your focus to gratitude. Think about three things you are grateful for in your life at this present moment. It could be something as simple as a supportive friend, a beautiful sunset, or a personal achievement. Express gratitude for these things and feel the positive emotions associated with them.

Take a few more deep breaths and slowly open your eyes, carrying the positive energy and mindset with you as you continue your day.

Remember, consistency is critical. Practicing this three-step process regularly can help rewire your brain for more positive thinking over time. Energy follows thought in mental mastery!

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  1. Our thoughts do affect our lives. It always amazed me how inventions start as a thought in someone’s mind and then they bring it into reality. The television, automobiles and the Internet all started as thoughts in someone’s mind and now they are a reality in our world, influencing how others think and view the world. Reprogramming someone from negative thoughts is difficult and takes more time to accomplish than when it took root. The human mind is amazing in all aspects. Thanks for sharing “Mental Mastery- Energy follow Thought”

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the article on “Energy Follows Thought in Mental Mastery” from Qiworks It’s fascinating to explore the concept of how our thoughts can influence the energy within us and our surroundings. The idea that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality resonates deeply with me.

    I found the techniques and practices discussed in the article, such as mindfulness, meditation, visualization, and affirmations, to be incredibly valuable. They provide practical ways to develop mental mastery and consciously direct our thoughts towards positivity and empowerment. I have personally experienced the transformative effects of these practices in my own life.

    One question that arises for me is how we can maintain a positive thought pattern consistently, especially when faced with challenging circumstances. While it’s relatively easier to focus on positive thoughts during calm and peaceful times, how can we train our minds to stay centered and maintain positivity in the face of adversity?

    I also wonder about the role of intention in this process. Is having a clear intention necessary for our thoughts to manifest into reality? How can we align our thoughts and intentions effectively to bring about the desired outcomes?

    Additionally, it would be interesting to hear personal stories or examples from others who have experienced the power of mental mastery and witnessed the tangible effects of directing their thoughts towards positive energy.

    Overall, I believe that understanding the relationship between our thoughts, energy, and mental mastery is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. Exploring different techniques and approaches can help us develop greater awareness and control over our thought patterns, leading to a more fulfilling and intentional life.

    I encourage others to read the article and share their thoughts and experiences on this thought-provoking topic. Let’s continue the discussion and discover new insights into the incredible power of our thoughts and their impact on our lives.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to this article.

      You have a great question regarding how to handle this process during challenging times.

      The main thing to remember, is that there’s an equal amount of negative and positive surrounding is at all times.

      Let the negativity pass like a cloud or storm, don’t attach any judgement or thought about it at all, except that this isn’t yours. 

      Attaching or even judging a thought or situation sends us down the rabbit whole of conditioned thinking.

      Go back to your breath, which is always present, abd always serving you. Taking a little stroll and add an appropriate affirmation.

      Keto on thriving!


  3. This content beautifully explains the connection between our thoughts and the energy we attract to mental mastery. It emphasizes the power of positive thinking, setting intentions, and adopting a proactive mindset. By using affirmations, visualizations, and gratitude, we can shape our experiences and manifest desired outcomes. This content provides practical steps for personal growth and harnessing the power of the mind.

    1. Thanks, Liam, for reading and commenting on the article.

      I’m happy to hear you resonated with it.

      Keep thriving!


  4. I recently came across this thought-provoking article on the concept of “energy follows thought” in mental mastery, and I must say it offers valuable insights for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding and control of their mental and emotional states. Your exploration of this intriguing concept and its practical applications make it a compelling read for anyone interested in unlocking their full potential.

    What impressed me most about this article is the author’s ability to articulate the complex relationship between thoughts, emotions, and the energetic manifestations in our lives. They delve into the idea that our thoughts and the energy behind them can shape our experiences and outcomes, highlighting the significance of conscious awareness and intentional thinking.

    I highly recommend this article to individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of mental mastery and the concept of “energy follows thought.” Your insightful explanations, practical applications, and emphasis on self-awareness make it a valuable resource. By incorporating the concepts and practices outlined in this article, readers can harness the power of their thoughts and energy, leading to personal growth, positive transformations, and the manifestation of their desired realities.

    1. Thanks for reading and giving an insightful review on this article. I’m happy you resonated with it, and recommended it to others for their personal growth. 

      It’s my passion to help others realize their optimum self. I appreciate your support!

      Stay well and keep thriving!


  5. I very much believe in the power of positive thinking and have practised affirmations, but never in conjunction with body movements. So this is a very interesting concept, that the affirmations can be reinforced, when combined with body movements, like swaying.

    Thank you for sharing the three steps in which to combine affirmations and movement. I will certainly include it in my daily routing.

  6. I must say thank you for this article. Many of us stop thinking positively and harnessing the power of a positive mindset. We do not take it to the level of gratitude. Every time I have aspirations, I have learnt to be grateful for receiving them. It takes me beyond the level of hope and aspirations. It brings me to the level of joy and easy reception of what I desire.

    1. Yes, Parameter, Gratitude is where all manifestation begins. Without gratitude, there is no joy!

      Being grateful for all things is the pathway to self realization.

      Keep on thriving!


  7. Thank you, Albert E Perry, for sharing this insightful article on “Energy Follows Thought in Mental Mastery.” Your elaboration on the theory and the various philosophies and scientific principles supporting it provides a comprehensive understanding of the potential interplay between thoughts and energy.

    I appreciate how you emphasize the power of positive thinking, setting intentions aligned with our goals, and adopting a proactive approach to life. Your step-by-step process for changing negative thought patterns through affirmations and body movements is practical and empowering. It’s inspiring to see the supporting research from psychology, neuroscience, and mindfulness that validates the effectiveness of these practices

    1. Thanks, Anoth, for reading and commenting on the article!

      I’m happy you found it empowering. I hope you practice the process to realize your optimum self!

  8. Great article! 

    I am a firm believer that your energy will flow towards what you focus on the most. Our brain is a powerful tool that we can train to achieve great things in life. 

    It may not be common knowledge, but some people know that repetition is often the key to retaining information and knowledge. That’s how we learned in school.

    I agree with everything you said. I practice daily meditation as well as qigong and Taichi. I also have a set of daily affirmations that I use daily as well as some more specific ones whenever I feel like my mind is drifting towards negativity.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting on the article, Margarette!

      I’m happy you resonated with it!

      Try doing your affirmations with your Qigong practice. I find it very beneficial!

      Keep on thriving!


  9. Hello fellow readers, I have been pondering on the concept of mental mastery and how our thoughts can influence our energy. This article is an enlightening read and can offer some insights into this fascinating topic.

    In my opinion, the power of our thought and the energy that emanates from them is vast and has the potential to shape our reality. I have practiced meditation and mindfulness as a way to focus my thoughts and energy in a positive direction, and it has brought many benefits to my life.

    However, I still have some questions: How long does it take to master mental mastery, and what are some practical ways to incorporate it into our daily lives?

    I believe that discussing the topic can help us all learn and grow and i would love to hear more options and experiences from others. So, what are your thoughts on the concept of mental mastery and how to apply it in our daily lives? Have you had any experiences that demonstrate the power of our thoughts and energy?

    Overall, I think the article is an excellent starting point for anyone interested in exploring the concept of mental mastery and the energy that follows thoughts. I encourage everyone to check it out and engage in a thoughtful discussion on the topic.

  10. This is a great article on thought processes and how positive thinking changes the energy and interactions we have on a daily basis can be affected by it.

    It is so intriguing to me that also integrating body movements into these positive affirmations can help to reprogram your thinking over time.

    As someone who has struggled with anxiety my whole life and very negative thinking about myself, I can see this as being a great way to put myself in a more positive mindset.  

    I am excited to try incorporating this into my daily routine and seeing the results. 

    Thanks for this article it was such an interesting read.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting on the article!

      I’m happy that you found it helpful!

      Here’s a five minute Qigong video for anxiety. You may find it beneficial as well!

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